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Trike tat-tfal għall-bejgħ

When it comes to playing outside and appreciating the fresh air, what parent does not desire that for their child? In that case; you really should visit a kid trike for sale. One really cool type of bikes designed especially for kids is trikes. Yepp, there are three wheels instead of the two you would normally see. And much less difficult to ride and Balance controlling. They explore the BEBELUX world while enjoying great fun and getting some exercise, a perfect combination for your child — amongst others. 

Trikes tat-Tfal għall-Bejgħ

Our shop has a wide variety of kid's trikes for sale. Trikes for younger kids sit low and have smaller wheels so they can get on them easily. For older kids, we stock larger stroller trike with adjustable seats and bigger wheels for a more comfortable ride. They come in a variety of fun bright colors and styles that can be tailored to the trike your child will enjoy. Also, our BEBELUX trikes are very sturdy (made with metal.) and can take a good amount of play without breaking.

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